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DG Elargissement
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A: Enlargment policy and strategy
B - Croatia, Montenegro, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Iceland
C: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo
D : IPA Strategy (Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance)
E- Resources
Director GeneralReport
Deputy Director-GeneralReport
Assistant of the Deputy Director-GeneralReport
Task Force Turkish Cypriot CommunityReport
Principal Advisor Principal Advisor - Relations with candidate countries Report
Directement rattachés au directeur généralReport
What is the MG?
The Ministries Guide is an annual of over 1,200 pages containing thousands of pieces of information regarding the organisation of the public authorities.
You will find information on the functions and the contact details of the advisers and people who work in the ministries.
- Over 1,200 pages and 15,000 sheets updated regularly
- The search engine adapted to traffic offers a comfort in use that allows an increasingly intuitive access to the data.
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Jourdan Str. 148 - 1060 Brussels